Non-random chromosomal translocations are frequently associated with a variety of cancers, particularly hematologic malignancies and childhood sarcomas.
Chromosome aberrations, in particular translocations and their corresponding gene fusions, have an important role in the initial steps of tumorigenesis.
List of tumoral translocations
The mechanisms that cause these translocations remain poorly understood. Illegitimate V(D)J recombination, class switch recombination, homologous recombination, non-homologous end-joining and genome fragile sites all have potential roles in the production of non-random chromosomal translocations.
Mutations in DNA-repair pathways have been implicated in the production of chromosomal translocations in humans, mice and yeast.
The identification of these same oncogenic chromosomal translocations in peripheral blood from healthy individuals strongly suggests that the translocation is not sufficient to induce malignant transformation, and that complementary mutations are required to produce a frank malignancy.
Oncogenic chromosomal translocation partners can be identified by proteomic methods (16651537)
Gene fusions
In most tumors with acquired chromosomal translocations, a new fusion oncogene or promoter-oncogene fusion is created and drives tumor growth. In 2007, 358 gene fusions involving 337 different genes have been identified.
An increasing number of gene fusions are being recognized as important diagnostic and prognostic parameters in malignant haematological disorders and childhood sarcomas.
The biological and clinical impact of gene fusions in the more common solid tumour types has been less appreciated.
However, an analysis of available data shows that gene fusions occur in all malignancies, and that they account for 20% of human cancer morbidity.
Gene deletions
Some translocations drive tumorigenesis via deletion of a tumor suppressor, as t(X;18) in Wilms tumor (17620295)
See also
amplification of fusion genes
fusion transcripts
fusion proteins
tumoral translocations
translocation-associated proliferations
- translocation-associated leukemias
translocation-associated tumors
- translocation-associated Lymphomas
- translocation-associated sarcomas
- translocation-associated carcinomas
chromosomal translocations
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