Home > G. Tumoral pathology > Sarcomas

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Humeral osteosarcoma Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma


- fibrosarcomas
- synovialosarcomas
- osteosarcomas
- chondrosarcomas
- liposarcomas


- translocation-associated sarcomas
- nontranslocation-associated sarcomas

Differential diagnosis

- pseudosarcomas

See also

- Tumors


- Riggi N, Cironi L, Suvà ML, Stamenkovic I. Sarcomas: genetics, signalling, and cellular origins. Part 1: The fellowship of TET. J Pathol. 2007 Sep;213(1):4-20. PMID: 17691072

- Suvà ML, Cironi L, Riggi N, Stamenkovic I. Sarcomas: genetics, signalling, and cellular origins. Part 2: TET-independent fusion proteins and receptor tyrosine kinase mutations. J Pathol. 2007 Oct;213(2):117-30. PMID: 17703479

- Clark MA, Fisher C, Judson I, Thomas JM. Soft-tissue sarcomas in adults. N Engl J Med. 2005 Aug 18;353(7):701-11. PMID: 16107623

- Sandberg AA. Cytogenetics and molecular genetics of bone and soft-tissue tumors. Am J Med Genet. 2002 Oct 30;115(3):189-93. PMID: 12407700

- Helman LJ, Meltzer P. Mechanisms of sarcoma development. Nat Rev Cancer. 2003 Sep;3(9):685-94. PMID: 12951587

- Nielsen TO, West RB, Linn SC, Alter O, Knowling MA, O’Connell JX, Zhu S, Fero M, Sherlock G, Pollack JR, Brown PO, Botstein D, van de Rijn M. Molecular characterisation of soft tissue tumours: a gene expression study. Lancet. 2002 Apr 13;359(9314):1301-7. PMID: 11965276


- sarcoma.org at Washington Hospital Center, DC