Home > G. Tumoral pathology > Cancer genetics > Cancer cytogenetics > Tumoral translocations > t(6;11)(p21;q13)

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A new small group of renal cell carcinoma (RCC), occurring in children and young adults, has been described as characterized by t(6;11)(p21;q13).


- TFEB-associated renal cell carcinoma (RCC)

  • in children and young adults
  • in adults (17285572)

- TFEB-associated HMB45+ renal cell carcinoma (RCC)

Molecular biology

- TFEB/MALAT1 fusion gene by t(6;11)(p21;q13)

See also

- Oncobase


- Pecciarini L, Cangi MG, Lo Cunsolo C, Macri’ E, Dal Cin E, Martignoni G, Doglioni C. Characterization of t(6;11)(p21;q12) in a renal-cell carcinoma of an adult patient. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 May;46(5):419-26. PMID: 17285572

- Davis, I. J.; Hsi, B.-L.; Arroyo, J. D.; Vargas, S. O.; Yeh, Y. A.; Motyckova, G.; Valencia, P.; Perez-Atayde, A. R.; Argani, P.; Ladanyi, M.; Fletcher, J. A.; Fisher, D. E. : Cloning of an alpha-TFEB fusion in renal tumors harboring the t(6;11)(p21;q13) chromosome translocation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 100: 6051-6056, 2003. PubMed ID : 12719541

- Kuiper, R. P.; Schepens, M.; Thijssen, J.; van Asseldonk, M.; van den Berg, E.; Bridge, J.; Schuuring, E.; Schoenmakers, E. F. P. M.; van Kessel, A. G. : Upregulation of the transcription factor TFEB in t(6;11)(p21;q13)-positive renal cell carcinomas due to promoter substitution. Hum. Molec. Genet. 12: 1661-1669, 2003. PubMed ID : 12837690