Morphological types
spherical renal cysts
- macrocysts
- microcysts
elongated renal cysts
According to cyst types
renal glomerular cysts (glomerulocysts)
renal tubular cysts (tubulocysts)
renal simple cysts
renal peripheral cortical cysts
renal tumoral cysts (renal cystic tumors)
According to cysts localization
renal medullary cysts
renal cortical cysts
renal diffuse cysts
According to the number of cysts
unique renal cyst (unilocular renal cyst)
multiple renal cysts (oligocystic kidneys)
diffuse renal cysts (multicystic kidneys)
- diffuse renal multicystic kidneys
- renal polycystic diseases
- diffuse renal multicystic diseases
A. Renal cysts of embryonic origin
renal simple cysts
- solitary renal cysts
- multilocular renal cysts
calyceal diverticula or pelvic diverticula
renal cystic diseases
- renal cysts in multicystic renal dysplasia
- renal cysts in polycystic kidney diseases (PKD)
- glomerulocystic disease
- cystic dilatation of renal pyramids
- renal medullary cystic diseases
- medullary sponge kidney
- medullary cystic disease (familial juvenile nephronophtisis complex)
renal cysts associated with malformative syndromes and genetic diseases
- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS)
- metabolic diseases
B. Renal cysts of nonembryonic origin
retention renal cysts
- cysts associated with calculi
- obstructive renal dysplasia
inflammatory renal cysts
- cysts associated with infections
parasitic renal cysts
Differential diagnosis
tumoral renal cysts (renal cystic tumors)
- cystic nephroma
- cystic partially differentiated nephroblastoma
- cystic classical Wilms tumor
- cystic renal cell carcinomas
See also
fetal renal cysts (fetal multicystic kidneys)