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renal cystic diseases

Thursday 19 February 2004

Renal cystic disease comprises a mixed group of heritable, developmental, and acquired disorders.

Because of their diverse etiology, histology, and clinical presentation, no single scheme of classification has gained acceptance.

Classification in fetus and neonate (renal cystic diseases of the infancy)

- I. renal dysplasia
- II. polycystic kidney diseases (polycystic renal diseases)
- III. renal medullary cystic diseases (renal medullary cysts)
- IV. renal cortical cysts
- V. renal cysts in hereditary syndromes
- VI. neoplastic cysts
- VII. miscellaneous renal cysts

Classification in adults


- cortical cysts
- medullary cysts
- diffuse cysts


- renal lobulation ?
- glomerulogenesis ?
- pyelocaliceal cavities ?
- ureteres: thin or dilated ?
- bladder: normal or dilated ?
- topography of the renal cysts

  • cortical renal cysts
  • medullary renal cysts
  • diffuse renal cysts

See also

- renal cysts
- renal cystic lesions
- renal cystic tumors


- Renal cystic disease of infancy: results of histochemical studies. A report of the Southwest Pediatric Nephrology Study Group. Verani R, Walker P, Silva FG. Pediatr Nephrol. 1989 Jan;3(1):37-42. PMID: 2702085


  • IMG/jpg/multicystic_kidney_0411_2-2.jpg