SUMO proteins (as SUMO1) and ubiquitin (UBB) (MIM.191339) posttranslationally modify numerous cellular proteins and affect their metabolism and function. However, unlike ubiquitination, which targets proteins for degradation, sumoylation participates in a number of cellular processes, such as nuclear transport, transcriptional regulation, apoptosis, and protein stability.
Many proteins that are important for regulated gene expression—including promoter-specific transcription factors, cofactors and chromatin-modifying enzymes—have been found to be reversibly modified by the small ubiquitin-related modifier, SUMO1.
Post-translational modification by SUMO1 has diverse effects on substrate activity, but, in most cases described to date, SUMOylation of transcriptional regulators correlates with inhibition of transcription.
The mechanisms by which SUMOylation regulates transcription and suggest that one consequence of SUMOylation is to promote the interaction of transcription factors with co-repressors.
Histone deacetylase co-repressors have been found to function as substrates, effectors, and regulators of SUMOylation, suggesting that complex crosstalk between acetylation and SUMOylation is important for gene regulation.
SUMO1 haploinsufficiency in cleft lip and cleft palate (cleft lip/palate) (16990542)
See also
SUMO-specific proteases
Hay RT. SUMO-specific proteases: a twist in the tail. Trends Cell Biol. 2007 Aug;17(8):370-6. PMID: 17768054
Pauws E, Stanier P. FGF signalling and SUMO modification: new players in the aetiology of cleft lip and/or palate. Trends Genet. 2007 Dec;23(12):631-40. PMID: 17981355
Alkuraya, F. S.; Saadi, I.; Lund, J. L.; Turbe-Doan, A.; Morton, C. C.; Maas, R. L. : SUMO1 haploinsufficiency leads to cleft lip and palate. Science 313: 1751, 2006. PubMed ID : 16990542
Gill G. Something about SUMO inhibits transcription. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2005 Oct;15(5):536-41. PMID: 16095902
Nacerddine, K.; Lehembre, F.; Bhaumik, M.; Artus, J.; Cohen-Tannoudji, M.; Babinet, C.; Pandolfi, P. P.; Dejean, A. : The SUMO pathway is essential for nuclear integrity and chromosome segregation in mice. Dev. Cell 9: 769-779, 2005. PubMed ID : 16326389
Gill G. SUMO and ubiquitin in the nucleus: different functions, similar mechanisms? Genes Dev. 2004 Sep 1;18(17):2046-59. PMID: 15342487