MIM.153340 11q13
CD5 belongs to ancient scavenger receptor superfamily. CD5 may serve as a dual receptor, giving either stimulatory or inhibitory signals depending both on the cell type and the development stage. It is a key regulator of immune tolerance and abnormalities may produce autoimmunity.
CD5 binds to CD72
CD5+ B cells
CD5+ B cells may arise from B-1 cells (subset of B cells) that produce ?generalist antibodies? taht are polyreactive low affinity "natural" antibodies to exogenous antigens (tetanus toxoid, lipopolysaccharide) as well as autoreactive antibodies.
CD5+ B cells produce antibodies using germ line (non mutated) configuration of gene segments, usually IgM. They constitute the first line of defense against antigens and have a low activation threshold.
CD5+ B cells production is elevated in rheumatoid arthritis (27-52% of circulating B cells vs. 20% normal).
A polymorphism in CD5 promoter associated with susceptibility to mantle cell lymphoma and CLL.
CD5 is a marker for
mantle cell lymphoma
T cells (normal and malignant)
thymic carcinoma
Normal expression
almost all T cells
B cells of mantle zone of spleen and lymph nodes (12% of B cells in peripheral blood)
B cells in peritoneal and pleural cavities
In fetus, most B cells in spleen and cord blood are CD5 positive
Negative immunostaining
enteropathy associated T cell lymphoma
hepatosplenic alpha-beta T cell lymphoma
hepatosplenic gamma-delta T cell lymphoma
T cell large granular lymphocytic lymphoma
most B cell lymphomas other than mantle cell or CLL (although there rarely are CD5+ variant forms)
Reed-Sternberg cells in classic Hodgkin lymphomas
See also