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t(5 ;9)(q33 ;q22)


- peripheral T-cell lymphomas with follicular growth pattern (18%)

  • Rare cases of peripheral T-cell lymphomas with follicular growth pattern (PTCL-F) have been reported. Their association with t(5 ;9)(q33 ;q22) involving ITK and SYK has been suggested. This rare form of PTCL has an immunophenotype indicative of derivation from TFH cells. It is associated with t(5 ;9) in a proportion of cases. It shows some overlapping features with angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma, raising the question of a possible relationship.


- Peripheral T-cell Lymphomas With a Follicular Growth Pattern are Derived From Follicular Helper T Cells (TFH) and may Show Overlapping Features With Angioimmunoblastic T-cell Lymphomas. Huang Y, Moreau A, Dupuis J, Streubel B, Petit B, Le Gouill S, Martin-Garcia N, Copie-Bergman C, Gaillard F, Qubaja M, Fabiani B, Roncador G, Haioun C, Delfau-Larue MH, Marafioti T, Chott A, Gaulard P. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009 Mar 17. PMID : 19295409