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astrocytic tumors

Astrocytic tumors are the commonest type of glioma in adults. Glioblastomas (GB, WHO malignancy grade IV) make up approximately 50% of all gliomas and are the most malignant subtype. They may arise de novo or progress from diffuse astrocytomas (A, WHO malignancy grade II) or anaplastic astrocytomas (AA, WHO malignancy grade III).


- pilocytic astrocytomas (Grade I)
- fibrillary astrocytomas (Grade II)
- anaplastic astrocytomas (Grade III)
- glioblastoma multiforme (Grade IV)

Cancer genes

- inactivated tumor suppressor genes (TSG)

  • CDKN2A/CDKN2B (9p21)
  • PTEN (10q23)
  • RB1 (13q14)

- amplifications of proto-oncogenes


- deletions

- gains

  • Chr.7 gain
  • Chr.12 gain
  • 3q gain
  • 8q gain
  • 9q gain
  • 10p gain
  • 17q gain
  • Chr.19 gain (trisomy 19)
  • Chr.20 gain (trisomy 20)


- Konopka G, Bonni A. Signaling pathways regulating gliomagenesis. Curr Mol Med. 2003 Feb;3(1):73-84. PMID: 12558076
