Microscopical synopsis
blood-filled spaces: artefact-like clefts to cystic areas mimicking cavernous vascular channels but devoid of an endothelial lining
prominent haemosiderin deposition with numerous siderophages
giant cells
storiform proliferation of histiocyte-like and fibroblast-like cells in a capillary-rich stroma
cellular polymorphism
hyalinized collagen bundles surrounded by tumour cells in the periphery of the lesion
epidermal hyperplasia (88%) (7607620)
moderate mitotic rate
factor XIIIa-positive histiocytic cells (8600785, 12484439)
recurrence rate: 19% (7607620), mean duration 2.5 years (7607620)
possible involvement of a regional lymph node (7607620, 10874670)
Calonje E, Fletcher CD. Aneurysmal benign fibrous histiocytoma: clinicopathological analysis of 40 cases of a tumour frequently misdiagnosed as a vascular neoplasm. Histopathology. 1995 Apr;26(4):323-31. PMID: 7607620