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alcoholic liver disease

- Alcohol abuse may lead to microvesicular steatosis, a lesion ascribed to impaired mitochondrial function. Because alcohol abuse leads to reactive oxygen species in the hepatic mitochondria, it may damage mitochondrial DNA. (7806041)

Lesional patterns

- alcoholic steatosis

  • macrovacuolar steatosis
  • microvacuolar steatosis (foamy degeneration)

- alcoholic steatohepatitis
- alcoholic hepatitis
- alcoholic cirrhosis
- portal lymphocytic infiltration
- megamitocondria
- secondary hepatic hemosiderosis
- hepatic fibrosis

- cirrhosis
- hepatocellular carcinoma


- Alcoholic liver disease by Washington Deceit


- Vidali M, Stewart SF, Albano E. Interplay between oxidative stress and immunity in the progression of alcohol-mediated liver injury. Trends Mol Med. 2008 Feb;14(2):63-71. PMID: 18222109

- Rao RK, Seth A, Sheth P. Recent Advances in Alcoholic Liver Disease I. Role of intestinal permeability and endotoxemia in alcoholic liver disease. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2004 Jun;286(6):G881-4. PMID: 15132946

- Colombat M, Charlotte F, Ratziu V, Poynard T. Portal lymphocytic infiltrate in alcoholic liver disease. Hum Pathol. 2002 Dec;33(12):1170-4. PMID: 12514784

- Stewart S, Jones D, Day CP. Alcoholic liver disease: new insights into mechanisms and preventative strategies. Trends Mol Med. 2001 Sep;7(9):408-13. PMID: 11530336

- Worman HJ. Cellular intermediate filament networks and their derangement in alcoholic hepatitis. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1990 Dec;14(6):789-804. PMID: 2088113