Human pathology

Home page > G. Tumoral pathology > Cancer genetics > Cancer cytogenetics > Fragile sites > FRA11F



Common fragile sites (CFS) are nonstaining gaps or breaks in chromosomes that are expressed under conditions inducing replicative stress. CFS have been suggested to play a role in epithelial cancers by their association with loss of heterozygosity, loss of gene expression, and/or gene amplification in the form of homogeneously staining regions (hsrs).


In oral squamous-cell carcinomas (OSCC), amplification of chromosomal band 11q13 occurs in the form of an hsr. CFS flanking 11q13 may be susceptible to breakage induced by tobacco or other carcinogens and/or human papillomavirus, promoting formation of the 11q13 amplicon. Gene amplification involving chromosomal band 11q13 in OSCC may be initiated by breakage at FRA11F. (17099871)


- Reshmi SC, Huang X, Schoppy DW, Black RC, Saunders WS, Smith DI, Gollin SM. Relationship between FRA11F and 11q13 gene amplification in oral cancer. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2007 Feb;46(2):143-54. PMID: 17099871