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Castleman disease

Nodal Castleman disease Nodal Castleman disease Nodal Castleman disease

In 1956, Castleman et al. described an entity involving localized mediastinal lymph node hyperplasia that resembled thymoma. Castleman’s disease (CD) has been extended to include two entities: the classical hyaline-vascular (HV) type and the rare plasma cell variant.

In the HV type, numerous lymphoid follicles contain small germinal centers, some of which are depleted lymphocytes and composed of concentrically arranged eosinophilic cells penetrated by small capillaries, so-called hyaline-vascular lesions. Vascular proliferation in the interfollicular area is also present. However, the hyaline-vascular type of germinal center is not specific for CD.


- lymph nodes (nodal Castleman disease)
- extranodal Castleman disease


- hyaline vascular type (HVCD)
- plasmacytic type
- mixed pattern


- POEMS syndrome
- myasthenia gravis
- paraneoplastic pemphigus
- Hodgkin disease
- follicular dendritic cell dysplasia
- follicular dendritic cell sarcoma