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Home page > H. Case records > Fetal pathology - Case records > Case #11598 - Megacystis and Prune Belly Syndrome

Case #11598 - Megacystis and Prune Belly Syndrome

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Abdominal distension in prune belly sequence Massive megacystis in prune belly sequence Massive megacystis in prune belly sequence Massive megacystis in prune belly sequence Massive megacystis in prune belly sequence


- fetus, 17 weeks, 170g.

- megacystis sequence

  • massive megacystis
  • Prune Belly sequence
    • abdominal distension
    • abdominal muscular aplasia

- slight right pyelic dilatation
- normal kidneys and ureteres

- sexual ambiguity

  • 46, XX
  • labial fusion but no scrotum
  • no vaginal ostium
  • genital bud

- urethral agenesis

- intestinal malrotation
- abnormal pulmonary lobulation
- facial dysmorphism
- hydrops fetalis