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CMV hepatitis

Nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions in CMV fetopathy Nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions in CMV fetopathy Nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions in CMV fetopathy Nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions in CMV fetopathy Nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions in CMV fetopathy Nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions in CMV fetopathy Nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions in CMV fetopathy Nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions in CMV fetopathy Nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions in CMV fetopathy

CMV is the most important cause of opportunistic hepatitis in immunocompromised patients. 20% of patients with liver allograft develop CMV hepatitis.


- cytomegalic cytopathic effects

  • enlarged cells
  • cytomegalic nuclear inclusions
    • large, glassy masses in the nucleus, separated by a clear halo from the irregularly thickened nuclear membrane
  • cytomegalic cytoplasmic inclusions
    • basophilic or amphophilic granules of various size
  • inclusion-bearing cells maybe encircled by a cluster of neutrophils

- +/- confluent foci of hepatocellular necrosis
- unusual massive hepatic necrosis

Three clinicopathological patterns

- mononucleosis-like disease

See also

- cytomegalovirus
- CMV infections
- viral hepatitis
- Hepatitis


- Congenital CMV disease by Washington Deceit


- Theise ND, Conn M, Thung SN. Localization of cytomegalovirus antigens in liver allografts over time. Hum Pathol. 1993 Jan;24(1):103-8. PMID: 8380273