Agendia BV, located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is a world leader in gene expression analysis-based diagnostics with three products on the market.
The company focuses on the development and commercialization of diagnostic tests using tumor gene expression profiling.
Agendia maintains close ties with several leading European academic centers to develop state of the art diagnostic tests for cancer.
Agendia also offers its expertise to pharmaceutical companies focusing on development of highly effective personalized drugs in the area of oncology.
MammaPrint(C) breast cancer diagnostic test
Agendia developped the company’s MammaPrint(C) breast cancer diagnostic test. Physicians can submerge a tumor sample into a vial provided by RNARetain and send it via FedEx to Agendia’s labs in Amsterdam. RNARetain is an RNA-stabilizing solution that allows tumor biopsies to be shipped without the need for freezing or cooling. Physicians receive their results within seven to ten days after the biopsy is taken.
[December 13, 2007] - Agendia has begun the US roll-out of its MammaPrint breast cancer test, which is aimed at helping physicians predict the likelihood of cancer metastasis, through agreements with two university reference centers. The first US centers offering the test are the University of California at San Francisco’s Medical Center at Mount Zion and the Baylor College of Medicine’s Dan L. Duncan Cancer Center. GenomeWeb
See also
multi-gene expression tests