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veno-occlusive diseases

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hepatic veno-occlusive disease hepatic veno-occlusive disease hepatic veno-occlusive disease
venoocclusive disease, VOD, hepatic sinusoidal occlusion syndrome


- hepatic veino-occlusive disease (hepatic VOD)
- pulmonary veino-occlusive disease (pulmonary VOD)

This disease consists of occlusive fibrosis of small intrahepatc veins: centrilobular and sublobular venules. Lager veins and those affected by Budd-Chiari syndrome are spared.


Early lesions

- subendothelial edema
- centrolobular congestion of the pericentral sinusoids
- blockage of blood flow in the pericentral sinusoids by fibrin and platelet aggregates
- pericentral sinusoids plugged with fibrin, fibrin deposition
- sinusoidal dilatation
- centrilobular hemorrhagic necrosis


- intraluminal fibrosis
- concentric intimal thickening
- occlusive fibrosis of small intrahepatic veins (centrolobular veins and sublobular venules), fibrous obliteration of hepatic veins
- concentric occlusion of the affected veins by loose connective tissue
- fibrotic scar replacing the centrilobular vein
- centrolobular fibrosis
- centro-portal bridging
- cirrhosis


- conditioning for bone marrow transplantation (onset of the disorder : 3-4 weeks after transplantation; 20% of cases; mortality rate: 50%)

  • cyclophosphamide
  • alkalating agents with or without total body irradiation

- irradiation (10 Gy of irradiation with chemotherapy; 30Gy without chemotherapy)

- antineoplastic drugs

  • azathioprine (may cause the lesion many months after continuous administration)
  • 6-mercaptopurine
  • 6-thioguanine
  • mitomycin C
  • BCNU(carmustine)
  • vincristine
  • adriamycin
  • gemtuzumab

- pyrrolizidine alkaloids (found in about 300 species of plants such Heliotropium , Crotolaria and Senecio found all over the world and used to make herbal teas and enemas)

- alcoholic liver
- congenital immunodeficiency
- dimethylnitrosamine
- aflatoxin
- liver allograft (1.9%) (12640317, 11602848, 8276346, 10534334)

  • strong association with acute rejection (mortality: 63%) (10534334)


- fetal hepatic veno-occlusive disease (12835579)

  • pyrrolizidine alkaloids of food origin


- hepatic veno-occlusive disease

- pulmonary veno-occlusive disease

See also

- veno-occlusive lesions
- veno-occlusive diseases