veno-occlusive diseases
hepatic veino-occlusive disease (hepatic VOD)
pulmonary veino-occlusive disease (pulmonary VOD)
This disease consists of occlusive fibrosis of small intrahepatc veins: centrilobular and sublobular venules. Lager veins and those affected by Budd-Chiari syndrome are spared.
Early lesions
subendothelial edema
centrolobular congestion of the pericentral sinusoids
blockage of blood flow in the pericentral sinusoids by fibrin and platelet aggregates
pericentral sinusoids plugged with fibrin, fibrin deposition
sinusoidal dilatation
centrilobular hemorrhagic necrosis
intraluminal fibrosis
concentric intimal thickening
occlusive fibrosis of small intrahepatic veins (centrolobular veins and sublobular venules), fibrous obliteration of hepatic veins
concentric occlusion of the affected veins by loose connective tissue
fibrotic scar replacing the centrilobular vein
centrolobular fibrosis
centro-portal bridging
conditioning for bone marrow transplantation (onset of the disorder : 3-4 weeks after transplantation; 20% of cases; mortality rate: 50%)
- cyclophosphamide
- alkalating agents with or without total body irradiation
irradiation (10 Gy of irradiation with chemotherapy; 30Gy without chemotherapy)
antineoplastic drugs
- azathioprine (may cause the lesion many months after continuous administration)
- 6-mercaptopurine
- 6-thioguanine
- mitomycin C
- BCNU(carmustine)
- vincristine
- adriamycin
- gemtuzumab
pyrrolizidine alkaloids (found in about 300 species of plants such Heliotropium , Crotolaria and Senecio found all over the world and used to make herbal teas and enemas)
alcoholic liver
congenital immunodeficiency
liver allograft (1.9%) (12640317, 11602848, 8276346, 10534334)
- strong association with acute rejection (mortality: 63%) (10534334)
fetal hepatic veno-occlusive disease (12835579)
- pyrrolizidine alkaloids of food origin
hepatic veno-occlusive disease
pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
See also