Human pathology

Home page > E. Pathology by systems > Urinary system > Kidneys > unilateral renal hypoplasia

unilateral renal hypoplasia

Image Gallery

Megacystis, bilateral obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia (BOMRD) with (...) Megacystis, bilateral obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia (BOMRD) with (...) Megacystis, bilateral obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia (BOMRD) with (...) Megacystis, bilateral obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia (BOMRD) with (...) Megacystis, bilateral obstructive multicystic renal dysplasia (BOMRD) with (...)
miniature kidney, doll kidney, vestpocket kidney

Diiferential diagnosis

- reflux nephropathy
- unilateral renal dysplasia