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monosomy 3


- uveal melanoma (56,3%) (18295662)

  • significant predictor of both relapse-free and overall survival (8622452)


- Mensink HW, Kiliç E, Vaarwater J, Douben H, Paridaens D, de Klein A. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of archival uveal melanoma with known clinical outcome. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2008 Mar;181(2):108-11. PMID: 18295662

- Prescher G, Bornfeld N, Hirche H, Horsthemke B, Jockel KH, Becher R. Prognostic implications of monosomy 3 in uveal melanoma. Lancet. 1996 May 4;347(9010):1222-5. PMID: 8622452