trisomy 2
tumoral trisomy 2
- hepatoblastomas (1377013)
- myelodysplastic syndrome transforming to acute myeloblastic leukemia and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (12885468)
- hepatoblastomas (11150606, 10565309, 9546070, 8908169, 7809507, 1377013)
- embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma
- pleuropulmonary blastoma (pulmonary blastoma of childhood)
- PTLDs (16337866)
See also
tumoral trisomies
Czepulkowski B, Saunders K, Pocock C, Sadullah S. Mosaic trisomy 2 in myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloblastic leukemias. Cancer Genet Cytogenet. 2003 Aug;145(1):78-81. PMID: 12885468
Bardi G, Johansson B, Pandis N, Heim S, Mandahl N, Bekassy A, Hagerstrand I, Mitelman F. Trisomy 2 as the sole chromosomal abnormality in a hepatoblastoma. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 1992 Jan;4(1):78-80. PMID: 1377013