splenopancreatic fusion
Splenopancreatic fusion is an uncommon finding, usually only seen as part of the splenopancreatic field abnormality associated with trisomy 13. It may present itself either as ectopic splenic tissue in the cauda pancreatis, as ectopic pancreatic tissue in the spleen or accessory spleen, or as fusion of the cauda pancreatis and splenic hilum.
See also
splenopancreatic field anomalies
Peres LC, Barbosa GH, Careta RS, Nassif CM, de Pina-Neto JM, Giuliani LR, Martinhago CD, Gomy I. Splenopancreatic field abnormality is not unique to trisomy 13. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2004 Jan-Feb;7(1):91-4. PMID: 15255041