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Hepatocytes Hepatocytes


- hepatocytic injury (hepatocellular injury)
- hepatocytic necrosis

- hepatocytic steatosis
- hepatocytic cytoplasmic deposits

  • hepatocytic pigments
  • hepatocytic hemosiderin

- hepatocytic cytoplasmic inclusions (hepatocytic inclusions)

- hepatocytic regeneration (regenerative hepatocytes)
- hepatocytic dysplasia

See also

- Normal liver by Washington Deceit


- Mohammed FF, Khokha R. Thinking outside the cell: proteases regulate hepatocyte division. Trends Cell Biol. 2005 Oct;15(10):555-63. PMID: 16150595

- Zaret KS. Hepatocyte differentiation: from the endoderm and beyond. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2001 Oct;11(5):568-74. PMID: 11532400