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duodenal atresia and biliary atresia


- Martínez-Frias syndrome (17321227)

- duodenal atresia with biliary atresia associated with facial, thyroid and auditory apparatus abnormalities (16957470)


- Galan-Gomez E, Sanchez EB, Arias-Castro S, Cardesa-Garcia JJ. Intrauterine growth retardation, duodenal and extrahepatic biliary atresia, hypoplastic pancreas and other intestinal anomalies: further evidence of the Martinez-Frias syndrome. Eur J Med Genet. 2007 Mar-Apr;50(2):144-8. PMID: 17321227

- Maegawa GH, Chitayat D, Blaser S, Whyte H, Thomas M, Kim P, Kim J, Taylor G, McNamara PJ. Duodenal and biliary atresia associated with facial, thyroid and auditory apparatus abnormalities: a new mandibulofacial dysostosis syndrome? Clin Dysmorphol. 2006 Oct;15(4):191-6. PMID: 16957470