cartilaginous variant of congenital pulmonary airways malformation
Cartilaginous variant of congenital pulmonary airways malformation is a unusual variant of congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM).
proliferation of malformed bronchiolar structures
branching cartilaginous plates within the walls of the cystically-dilated airways
abundant cartilage in the walls of branching malformed distal airways
solid areas with groups of smaller airways with occasional cartilage islands
immature alveolar structures compressed between malformed bronchioles
bronchiolar epithelium composed of cuboidal or columnar cells
Differential diagnosis
Case records
Benning TL, Godwin JD, Roggli VL, Askin FB. Cartilaginous variant of congenital adenomatoid malformation of the lung. Chest. 1987 Sep;92(3):514-6. PMID: 3622030
Bale PM. Congenital cystic malformation of the lung. A form of congenital bronchiolar ("adenomatoid") malformation. Am J Clin Pathol. 1979 Apr;71(4):411-20. PMID: 571674