cancer biomarkers
See also
biomarker discovery
protein microarrays
Hinestrosa MC, Dickersin K, Klein P, Mayer M, Noss K, Slamon D, Sledge G, Visco FM. Shaping the future of biomarker research in breast cancer to ensure clinical relevance. Nat Rev Cancer. 2007 Apr;7(4):309-15. PMID: 17384585
Petricoin EF, Belluco C, Araujo RP, Liotta LA. The blood peptidome: a higher dimesion of information content for cancer biomarker discovery. Nat Rev Cancer. 2006 Nov 9; PMID: 17093504
Ludwig JA, Weinstein JN. Biomarkers in cancer staging, prognosis and treatment selection. Nat Rev Cancer. 2005 Nov;5(11):845-56. PMID: 16239904
Furberg AH, Ambrosone CB. Molecular epidemiology, biomarkers and cancer prevention. Trends Mol Med. 2001 Nov;7(11):517-21. PMID: 11689338