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calcium channels


- calcium channelopathies


- Arikkath J, Campbell KP. Auxiliary subunits: essential components of the voltage-gated calcium channel complex. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2003 Jun;13(3):298-307. PMID: 12850214

- Strehler EE, Treiman M. Calcium pumps of plasma membrane and cell interior. Curr Mol Med. 2004 May;4(3):323-35. PMID: 15101689

- Dhitavat J, Fairclough RJ, Hovnanian A, Burge SM. Calcium pumps and keratinocytes: lessons from Darier’s disease and Hailey-Hailey disease. Br J Dermatol. 2004 May;150(5):821-8. PMID: 15149492

- Adams PJ, Snutch TP. Calcium channelopathies: voltage-gated calcium channels. Subcell Biochem. 2007;45:215-51. PMID: 18193639

- Zamponi GW, Snutch TP. Modulation of voltage-dependent calcium channels by G proteins. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 1998 Jun;8(3):351-6. PMID: 9687363