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amniotic bands

Amniotic bands (22 weeks) Amniotic bands (22 weeks) Amniotic bands (22 weeks) Amniotic bands (Case #11370) Amniotic bands (Case #11370) Amniotic bands with fetal digital sections (Case #11370)

Prediposing factors

- familial predisposition
- amniocentesis
- short umbilical cord sequence (SUCS)

See also

- amniotic band sequence
- amniotic adhesions


- Moerman P, Fryns JP, Vandenberghe K, Lauweryns JM. Constrictive amniotic bands, amniotic adhesions, and limb-body wall complex: discrete disruption sequences with pathogenetic overlap. Am J Med Genet. 1992 Feb 15;42(4):470-9. PMID: 1609831