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adrenal cytomegaly

Focal adrenal cytomegaly in 47,XXX fetus ith ring chromosome (...) Focal adrenal cytomegaly in 47,XXX fetus ith ring chromosome (...) Focal adrenal cytomegaly in 47,XXX fetus ith ring chromosome (...) Focal adrenal cytomegaly in 47,XXX fetus ith ring chromosome (...) Focal adrenal cytomegaly in 47,XXX fetus ith ring chromosome (...) Focal adrenal cytomegaly in 47,XXX fetus ith ring chromosome (...) Focal adrenal cytomegaly in 47,XXX fetus ith ring chromosome (...) Focal adrenal cytomegaly in 47,XXX fetus ith ring chromosome (...) Focal adrenal cytomegaly in 47,XXX fetus ith ring chromosome (...)

Definition: Adrenal cytomegaly is characterized by the presence of large polyhedral cells with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and enlarged nuclei in the adrenal cortex. Adrenal cytomegaly is found in 0.8% pediatric autopsies.

Adrenal cytomegaly is relatively common finding within fetal cortex in newborns, particularly premature infants (3-7%) or infants with Rh incompatibility.

Adrenal cytomegaly may be associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

Focal adrenal cytomegaly can be observed in normal adults (3778124)


- hyperplastic adrenal glands


- numerous markedly enlarged (up to 150 microns) and bizarre polyhedral cells with eosinophilic granular cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic nuclei with pseudoinclusions in adrenal cortex.

- large polyhedral cells in the adrenal cortex

  • eosinophilic granular cytoplasm
  • enlarged nuclei

- false intranuclear inclusions (6264884)
- no/rare mitotic figures

Electron microscopy

- nuclear inclusions composed of the invaginated portion of the cytoplasm surrounded by double membrane and contained numerous organelles. (6264884)

Etiology (Exemples)

- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (1849635, 2845376)
- isolated (3778124, 3838445)


- diaphragmatic hernia (10879233)
- premature infants (3-7%)
- infants with Rh incompatibility

Case records

- Case #10479

Differential diagnosis

- adrenal CMV infection

  • usually infants
  • basophilic cytoplasm
  • large intranuclear inclusion surrounded by a clear halo


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