Home > D. Systemic pathology > Hematologic disorders > Bone marrow > acute myeloid leukemia M4eo

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acute myeloid leukemia M4eo


- eosinophils > 5% with large immature basophilic granules
- NASCA+ in the bone marrow (but normal in blood)
- specific abnormal eosinophil component
- immature eosinophilic granules

  • mainly evident at the promyelocyte and myelocyte stages
  • not usually evident at later stages of maturation
  • eosinophilic granules are often larger than those normally seen in immature eosinophils, purple-violet in color and in some cells are so dense that they obscure the cell morphology


- all M4eo share 16q22 anomaly

  • inv(16)(p13q22)
