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acute colonic pseudoobstruction

Acute colonic pseudoobstruction, or Ogilvie’s syndrome, is a rare but serious medical and obstetric complication. When diagnosed early, treatment with expectant management or more invasive decompression is often successful.


Acute colonic pseudoobstruction should be considered in the differential diagnosis in pregnant women who present with abdominal distention and vomiting.


- neostigmine treatment (19040954)
- pregnancy (18251363)


- Acute colonic pseudoobstruction in a child with sickle cell disease treated with neostigmine. Khosla A, Ponsky TA. J Pediatr Surg. 2008 Dec;43(12):2281-4. PMID: 19040954

- Acute colonic pseudoobstruction complicating twin pregnancy: a case report. Tung CS, Zighelboim I, Gardner MO. J Reprod Med. 2008 Jan;53(1):52-4. PMID: 18251363

- Acute colonic pseudoobstruction: an unusual presentation of thyrotoxic periodic paralysis. Gentric A, Le Deun P. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005 Dec;53(12):2237-8. PMID: 16398921

- Acute colonic pseudoobstruction. Saunders MD. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2004 Oct;6(5):410-6. PMID: 15341719