Human pathology

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South america

- Data does not support an important difference in migration rates between the sexes throughout the history of South Amerinds. (11032789)

- Admixture analysis of the Colombian populations suggests an asymmetric pattern of mating involving mostly immigrant men and native women. (11032789)

See also

- sex-specific differences
- gene flow
- Native Americans


- Mesa NR, Mondragon MC, Soto ID, Parra MV, Duque C, Ortiz-Barrientos D, Garcia LF, Velez ID, Bravo ML, Munera JG, Bedoya G, Bortolini MC, Ruiz-Linares A. Autosomal, mtDNA, and Y-chromosome diversity in Amerinds: pre- and post-Columbian patterns of gene flow in South America. Am J Hum Genet. 2000 Nov;67(5):1277-86. PMID: 11032789

- Underhill PA, Jin L, Zemans R, Oefner PJ, Cavalli-Sforza LL. A pre-Columbian Y chromosome-specific transition and its implications for human evolutionary history. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1996 Jan 9;93(1):196-200. PMID: 8552603