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Normal skin Normal skin

Adj. cutaneous


- epidermis
- dermis

  • cutaneous appendages

- hypodermis (subcutis)

Pathology (dermatopathology)

- cutaneous developmental anomalies
- cutaneous lesions
- cutaneous syndromal lesions
- cutaneous diseases
- cutaneous tumors

Differential diagnosis of normal skin

- superficial fungal infection

- porokeratosis
- ichtyosis
- hypopigmentation

  • vitiligo
  • piebaldism
  • chemical leukoderma
  • nevus depigmentosus

- hyperpigmentation

  • café-au-lait macule
  • freckle
  • melasma
  • lentigo

- macular amyloidosis
- ochocerciasis
- dermal melanocytosis
- urticaria pigmentosa
- argyria
- urticaria
- anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
- anetoderma
- cutis laxa
- connective tissue nevus
- dermal mucinosis

  • myxedema
  • scleromyxedema

- atrophoderma
- lipoatrophy


- Thin skin (by Washington Deceit)

- Thick skin (by Washington Deceit)


- Tsuruta D, Green KJ, Getsios S, Jones JC. The barrier function of skin: how to keep a tight lid on water loss. Trends Cell Biol. 2002 Aug;12(8):355-7. PMID: 12191905


Dermatopathology atlas

- Dermatopathology by Williams S. Weems at Murray, USA
- Derm-Path India by Dr Sampurna Roy, West Bengal, India
- dermoncology.com
- Atlas of dermatology at University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic

Dermatology atlas

- Dermatology Image Banks by John L. Bezzant, MD
- dermoncology.com
- Atlas of dermatology at University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic
- DOIA Atlas of Dermatology at University of Erlangen
- Dermatologic Image Database at Dept. of Dermatology, University of Iowa College of Medicine