short-rib polydactyly syndrome type 2
The Majewski type of Short Rib-Polydactyly syndrome is a rare lethal dwarfism syndrome that has recently been recognized as a distinct entity. This autosomal recessive inheritance is a lethal dwarfism identifiable at birth.
hydrops fetalis (15605271)
ocular anomalies (7126521)
- bilateral ocular agenesis
median cleft lip
cleft palate (15605271)
extremely low set ears (15605271)
depressed nasal bridge (15605271)
hypoplastic epiglottis
malformed larynx
tracheal stenosis (7981861)
thoracic anomalies
- short ribs
- narrow thorax
- pulmonary hypoplasia
gastrointestinal atresia
gallbladder agenesis
ambiguous genitalia
genitourinary atresia
renal anomalies
- glomerulocystic kidney disease (GCKD) with glomerular cysts (7491205)
- renal tubular cysts
limb anomalies
- postaxial polydactyly
- preaxial polydactyly
- micromelia (short limbs)
- hallucal and postaxial polysyndactyly of the feet
- hypoplastic cerebellar vermis
- hydrops fetalis
- deficient vertebral ossification
- metaphyseal dysplasia
- disproportionate shortening of the tibia
- normal pelvis
- markedly stunted and disorganized endochondral ossification
cerebral anomalies
- anencephaly (8267012)
- pachygyria
- cerebral hemisphere cystic mass
- narrowing of the corpus callosum and fornix (8444329)
- dilated ventricles (8444329)
- vermis hypoplasia (8444329)
- arachnoid cyst (8444329)
overlap with oral-facial-digital syndrome type 2 (OFD2) (Mohr syndrome)(7981861)
See also
short rib-polydactyly syndromes (SRPSs)
- SRPS1 (Saldino-Noonan)
- SRPS2 (Majewski)
- SRPS3 (Naumoff)
- SRPS4 (Beemer-Langer)
Naki MM, Gür D, Zemheri E, Tekcan C, Kanadikirik F, Has R.Short rib-polydactyly syndrome.Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2005 Jul;272(2):173-5. PMID: 15605271
Related Articles, LinksViora E, Sciarrone A, Bastonero S, Errante G, Botta G, Campogrande M.Three-dimensional ultrasound evaluation of short-rib polydactyly syndrome type II in the second trimester: a case report.Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2002 Jan;19(1):88-91. PMID: 11851975
Montemarano H, Bulas DI, Chandra R, Tifft C.Prenatal diagnosis of glomerulocystic kidney disease in short-rib polydactyly syndrome type II, Majewski type.Pediatr Radiol. 1995;25(6):469-71. PMID: 7491205
Steichen-Gersdorf E, Gassner I, Covi B, Fischer H.Oral-facial-digital syndrome II. Transitional type between Mohr and Majewski syndrome: report of a new case with congenital stenosis of the trachea.Clin Dysmorphol. 1994 Jul;3(3):245-50. PMID: 7981861
Prudlo J, Stoltenburg-Didinger G, Jimenez E, Cervós-Navarro J.Central nervous system alterations in a case of short-rib polydactyly syndrome, Majewski type.Dev Med Child Neurol. 1993 Feb;35(2):158-62. PMID: 8444329
McCormac RM, Flannery DB, Nakoneczna I, Kodroff MB.Short rib-polydactyly syndrome type II (Majewski syndrome): a case report.Pediatr Pathol. 1984;2(4):457-67. PMID: 6535999
Thomson GS, Reynolds CP, Cruickshank J.Antenatal detection of recurrence of Majewski dwarf (short rib-polydactyly syndrome type II Majewski).Clin Radiol. 1982 Sep;33(5):509-17. PMID: 6288313
Cooper CP, Hall CM.Lethal short-rib polydactyly syndrome of the Majewski type: a report of three cases.Radiology. 1982 Aug;144(3):513-7. PMID: 7100463
Majewski F, Pfeiffer RA, Lenz W, Muller R, Feil G, Seiler R (1971): Polydactyly, short limbs, and genital malformations - a new syndrome? Z Kinderheilkd 111: 118-138.