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MIM.180380 3q21-q24


- RHO germline mutations in rhodopsin-associated retinitis pigmentosa (MIM.180380)

  • More than 100 mutations in the rhodopsin gene (RHO) have been identified in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP).


- rhodopsin and vision


- Mendes HF, van der Spuy J, Chapple JP, Cheetham ME. Mechanisms of cell death in rhodopsin retinitis pigmentosa: implications for therapy. Trends Mol Med. 2005 Apr;11(4):177-85. PMID: 15823756


- O’Reilly M, Palfi A, Chadderton N, Millington-Ward S, Ader M, Cronin T, Tuohy T, Auricchio A, Hildinger M, Tivnan A, McNally N, Humphries MM, Kiang AS, Humphries P, Kenna PF, Farrar GJ. RNA interference-mediated suppression and replacement of human rhodopsin in vivo. Am J Hum Genet. 2007 Jul;81(1):127-35. PMID: 17564969