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Normal placenta Normal placenta Normal placenta Normal placenta Bilobated placenta Bilobated placenta Bilobar placenta with central insertion of the umbilical cord Bilobar placenta with central insertion of the umbilical cord Monochorionic monoamniotic gemellar placenta Monochorionic monoamniotic gemellar placenta Normal placenta (28 weeks) Normal placenta (28 weeks) Placenta circumvallata with marginal insertion Monochorionic monoamniotic gemellar placenta Monochorionic monoamniotic gemellar placenta Placental section with an hematoma Normal amniotic membrane around the placenta Normal amniotic membrane around the placenta Placenta (Fetus, 17 weeks) Placenta (Fetus, 17 weeks) Dichorionic diamniotic gemellar placenta Dichorionic diamniotic gemellar placenta


- placental macroscopical anomalies
- placental lesions
- placental lesional syndromes
- placental diseases
- placental tumors


- Histology of the placenta (by Washington Deceit)

See also

- placental pathology