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Mullerian duct

The Müllerian ducts (or paramesonephric ducts) are paired ducts of the embryo which run down the lateral sides of the urogenital ridge and terminate at the mullerian eminence in the primitive urogenital sinus.

In the female, it will develop to form the fallopian tubes, uterus, and the upper portion of the vagina. It is a tissue of mesodermal origin.

The development of the Müllerian ducts is controlled by the presence or absence of "AMH", or Anti-müllerian hormone (also known as "MIF" for "Müllerian inhibiting factor", or "MIH" for "Müllerian inhibiting hormone").

Müllerian duct develops in females and degenerates in males.

In male, the testes produce AMH and as a result the development of the Müllerian ducts is inhibited. The ducts disappear except for the vestigial vagina masculina and the appendix testis. Disturbances can lead to persistent müllerian duct syndrome.

In female, the absence of AMH results in the development of female reproductive organs, as noted above. The ducts develop into the upper vagina, cervix, uterus and Fallopian ducts. Disturbance in the development may result in uterine absence (Mullerian agenesis) or uterine malformations.

See also

- Wolffian ducts