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Leishmania sp.

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Cutaneous leishmaniasis Cutaneous leishmaniasis Leishmania donovani

Pathology (leishmaniasis)


- Leishmania donovani
- Leishmania infantum


- Ravindran R, Ali N. Progress in vaccine research and possible effector mechanisms in visceral leishmaniasis. Curr Mol Med. 2004 Sep;4(6):697-709. PMID: 15357218

- Roychoudhury K, Roy S. Role of chemokines in Leishmania infection. Curr Mol Med. 2004 Sep;4(6):691-6. PMID: 15357217

- Basu MK, Lala S. Macrophage specific drug delivery in experimental leishmaniasis. Curr Mol Med. 2004 Sep;4(6):681-9. PMID: 15357216

- Sukumaran B, Madhubala R. Leishmaniasis: current status of vaccine development. Curr Mol Med. 2004 Sep;4(6):667-79. PMID: 15357215

- Naderer T, Vince JE, McConville MJ. Surface determinants of Leishmania parasites and their role in infectivity in the mammalian host. Curr Mol Med. 2004 Sep;4(6):649-65. PMID: 15357214

- Shlomai J. The structure and replication of kinetoplast DNA. Curr Mol Med. 2004 Sep;4(6):623-47. PMID: 15357213

- Bates PA, Rogers ME. New insights into the developmental biology and transmission mechanisms of Leishmania. Curr Mol Med. 2004 Sep;4(6):601-9. PMID: 15357211

- Russell DG. Mycobacterium and Leishmania: stowaways in the endosomal network. Trends Cell Biol. 1995 Mar;5(3):125-8. PMID: 14732168