Human pathology

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lamin-A/C, lamin-A, lamin-C, lamin A, lamin C
Member of the lamins ptotein family.


- germline LMNA mutations in:

- LMNA variant in obesity-related traits


- Broers JL, Hutchison CJ, Ramaekers FC. Laminopathies. J Pathol. 2004 Nov;204(4):478-88. PMID: 15495262

- Worman HJ, Courvalin JC. The nuclear lamina and inherited disease. Trends Cell Biol. 2002 Dec ;12(12):591-8. PMID : 12495848

- Burke B, Stewart CL. Life at the edge : the nuclear envelope and human disease. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. 2002 Aug ;3(8):575-85. PMID : 12154369

- Mounkes LC, Stewart CL. Aging and nuclear organization: lamins and progeria. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2004 Jun;16(3):322-7. PMID: 15145358

- Novelli G, D’Apice MR. The strange case of the "lumper" lamin A/C gene and human premature ageing. Trends Mol Med. 2003 Sep;9(9):370-5. PMID: 13129702

- Worman HJ, Courvalin JC. The nuclear lamina and inherited disease. Trends Cell Biol. 2002 Dec ;12(12):591-8. PMID : 12495848