Human pathology

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The ING family of proteins are involved in chromatin remodelling, and bind to and affect the activity of histone acetyltransferase, histone deacetylase, and factor acetyltransferase protein complexes.

Some family members affect transcription, including the expression of p53-inducible genes such as p21 and Bax, and ING2 induces p53 acetylation on a site implicated in the regulation of p53 activity.

ING1 promotes DNA repair and interacts with proliferating cell nuclear antigen, thus linking DNA repair, apoptosis and chromatin remodelling.


- Feng X, Hara Y, Riabowol K. Different HATS of the ING1 gene family. Trends Cell Biol. 2002 Nov ;12(11):532-8. PMID : 12446115