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MIM.134570 6p25-p24


- subunit A functions as an intracellular enzyme in platelets and monocytes/macrophages
- cytoskeletal remodelling associated with the activation stages of platelets
- mainly localised in the cytoplasm, in association with cytoskeletal filaments, but at a relatively early stage of macrophage differentiation it also appears transiently in the nucleus

Expression profile

- platelets
- megakaryocytes
- monocytes/macrophages
- papillary dermal dendrocytes

Pathology entities:

- congenital factor XIII deficiency

Immunochemistry in tumoral pathology

- dermatofibroma (benign fibrous histiocytoma)
- angiofibroma (fibrous papule)
- juvenile xanthogranuloma (12717244)
- aneurysmal fibrous histiocytoma (12484439)
- solitary fibrous tumor (12357210)