Human pathology

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MIM.604615 3p21.3-p21.2



- Homozygous silencing of T-box transcription factor EOMES leads to microcephaly with polymicrogyria and corpus callosum agenesis (17353897)


- Baala L, Briault S, Etchevers HC, Laumonnier F, Natiq A, Amiel J, Boddaert N, Picard C, Sbiti A, Asermouh A, Attié-Bitach T, Encha-Razavi F, Munnich A, Sefiani A, Lyonnet S. Homozygous silencing of T-box transcription factor EOMES leads to microcephaly with polymicrogyria and corpus callosum agenesis. Nat Genet. 2007 Apr;39(4):454-6. PMID: 17353897