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Parasplenic cyst Cyst of the thyroglossal tract Cyst of the thyroglossal tract Cyst of the thyroglossal tract Cyst of the thyroglossal tract Cyst of the thyroglossal tract Splenic mesothelial cyst (open) Splenic mesothelial cyst (open) Splenic multilocular mesothelial cysts Splenic multilocular mesothelial cysts Thymic cyst Thymic cyst Branchial cyst Popliteal synovial cyst Tryroglossal tract cyst Nodal epidermoid cyst Nodal epidermoid cyst Nodal epidermoid cyst Popliteal synovial cyst Popliteal synovial cyst Ovarian endometriotic cyst Ovarian endometriotic cyst Ovarian luteal cyst Ovarian luteal cyst Ovarian luteal cyst Ovarian luteal cyst (afetr formalin fixation) Spermatocele Spermatocele Spermatocele


- malformative cysts (developmental cysts)

  • branchial cysts
  • digestive duplication cysts
  • Rathke cleft cysts
  • mesothelial cysts

- acquired cysts

According to the localization

- cutaneous cysts
- splenic cysts
- ovarian cysts
- hepatic cysts
- mediastinal cysts
- pulmonary cysts
- thymic cysts
- renal cysts

Differential diagnosis

- cystic malformations
- cystic tumors


- cystinfo.com