Pronounced differences were observed between Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily as well as in the percentages of haplotypes previously shown to have distinctive patterns of continental phylogeography. (12772214)
60% of the Sicilian haplotypes are also prevalent in Southern Italy and Greece. (12772214)
The Corsican sample had elevated levels of alternative haplotypes common in Northern Italy. (12772214)
Sardinia showed a haplotype ratio similar to that observed in Corsica, but with a remarkable difference in the presence of a lineage defined by marker yM26, which approaches 35% in Sardinia but seems absent in Corsica. (12772214)
Although geographically adjacent, the data suggest different colonization histories and a minimal amount of recent gene flow between them. (12772214)
Studies identify possible ancestral continental sources of the various island populations and underscore the influence of founder effect and genetic drift. (12772214)
The Y-chromosome data are consistent with comparable mtDNA data at the RFLP haplogroup level of resolution, as well as linguistic and historic knowledge. (12772214)
See also
biallelic polymorphisms
Y-chromosome variability
Mediterranean islands
island populations
Mediterranean area
European Y-chromosome variability
Francalacci P, Morelli L, Underhill PA, Lillie AS, Passarino G, Useli A, Madeddu R, Paoli G, Tofanelli S, Calo CM, Ghiani ME, Varesi L, Memmi M, Vona G, Lin AA, Oefner P, Cavalli-Sforza LL. Peopling of three Mediterranean islands (Corsica, Sardinia, and Sicily) inferred by Y-chromosome biallelic variability. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2003 Jul;121(3):270-9. PMID: 12772214
Calafell F, Bertranpetit J, Rendine S, Cappello N, Mercier P, Amoros JP, Piazza A. Population history of Corsica: a linguistic and genetic analysis. Ann Hum Biol. 1996 May-Jun;23(3):237-51. PMID: 8807041