Case #10299 - Hydrocephaly with polymalformative syndrome
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fetus, 20 weeks; 46,XY
cystic hygroma
fetal hydrops
facial dysmorphism
- frontal bossing
- turricephaly
- hypertelorism
- micrognathia
- microphtalmy
- low-set ears
- small mouth
- long philtrum
cleft palate without cleft lip
ventricular septal defect
esophageal atresia with tracheo-esophageal fistula type C
no pulmonary lobation
fetal dysmotricity sequence
- distal arthrogryposis of the four limbs
- fetal tonus anomalies
- obstructive hydrocephaly
- severe bulbar pyramid agenesis
- dento-olivaire dysplasie
upper limb anomalies
- right club hand
- right first metacarpial hypoplasia
- bilateral thumb hypoplasia
- right fifth finger hypoplasia
- right fifth finger clinodactyly
- left fifth finger hypoplasia
upper limb anomalies
- club feet
- toes plantar hyperflexion
gracile ribs
small ilia