Home > H. Case records > Fetal pathology - Case records > Case #10182 - Cantrell Pentalogy and tetralogy of Fallot

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Case #10182 - Cantrell Pentalogy and tetralogy of Fallot


- facial dysmorphism

  • flat nose
  • palpebral edema
  • retrognathia / micrognathia
  • low-set ears

- narrow thorax with steranal anomaly

- cardiac ectopy (ectopia cordis)

  • epigastric heart with partial pericardial agenesis

- tetralogy of Fallot

  • pulomary artery hypoplasia
  • aorta
  • interventricular septal defect
  • right ventricule hypertrophy

- arterial canal agenesis

- giant omphalocele

- bilateral pyelo-ureteral dilatation

See also

- penatlogy of Cantrell (thoracoabdominal midline defect)