Cofilin is a widely distributed intracellular actin-modulating protein that binds and depolymerizes filamentous F-actin and inhibits the polymerization of monomeric G-actin in a pH-dependent manner. It is involved in the translocation of actin-cofilin complex from cytoplasm to nucleus.
CFL1 | CFL2 |
The cofilin pathway is a major determinant of metastasis. The overall activity of the cofilin pathway, and not that of any single gene within the pathway, determines the invasive and metastatic phenotype of tumour cells.
Inhibitors directed at the output of the cofilin pathway will have therapeutic benefit in combating metastasis.
Huang TY, Dermardirossian C, Bokoch GM. Cofilin phosphatases and regulation of actin dynamics. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2006 Feb;18(1):26-31. PMID: 16337782
Bamburg JR, Wiggan OP. ADF/cofilin and actin dynamics in disease. Trends Cell Biol. 2002 Dec ;12(12):598-605. PMID : 12495849