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MIM.601299 10q22.3

Juvenile polyps in juvenile polyposis


- germline mutations in

  • Cowden disease (MIM.158350)
  • juvenile polyposis (MIM.174900)
  • hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome-2 (HMPS2)


- BMPRIA immunohistochemistry may be a promising new tool for the identification of enteric ganglion cells in the evaluation of patients with neurointestinal disorders. PMID: 16226113


- BMPRIA is a promising marker for evaluating ganglion cells in the enteric nervous system—a pilot study. Brewer KC, Mwizerva O, Goldstein AM. Hum Pathol. 2005 Oct;36(10):1120-6. PMID: 16226113

- Cao, X.; Eu, K. W.; Kumarasinghe, M. P.; Li, H. H.; Loi, C.; Cheah, P. Y. : Mapping of hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome (HMPS) to chromosome 10q23 by genomewide high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) scan and identification of BMPR1A loss of function. J. Med. Genet. 43: e13, 2006. PubMed ID : 16525031