umbilical cord cysts
The prevalence of umbilical cord cysts at 7-13 weeks? gestation is approximately 3%.
More than 20% of such cases are complicated by structural defects and/or chromosomal abnormalities such as trisomy 18. These cysts usually have a single cavity and are <5 cm in size. Therefore, when an umbilical cord cyst is detected in the 2nd trimester, the examination of fetal karyotype is recommended.
Umbilical cord cysts develop from the partial or complete absence of obliteration of the allantois or omphalo-mesenteric duct.
Prenatal differential diagnosis
umbilical pseudocysts (degeneration of Wharton jelly)
omphalo-mesenteric duct cysts
umbilical vascular anomalies
abdominal wall defects
bladder exstrophy
urachal anomalies
congenital patent urachus
Differential diagnosis
See also
Umbilical cord