Most plant and animal cells are organized into tissue which in turn is organized into organs.
Tissular development
Planar cell polarity (PCP) is the coordinated organization of cells within the plane of the epithelium, first described in Drosophila.
A Frizzled signalling pathway dedicated to planar cell polarity (PCP) (the non-canonical Frizzled pathway of FZDs) acts through Dishevelled and small G proteins, as does the classical Wnt pathway (WNTs), but then diverges downstream of Dishevelled.
Several atypical cadherin molecules, as FAT (MIM.600976), Dachsous and Flamingo (CELSR3 from CELSRs) (MIM.604264), have demonstrated a crucial role in controlling PCP signalling.
The first sign of planar cell polarity during development is the polarized localization of PCP proteins, as Frizzled proteins (FZDs), Flamingo (CELSR3 from CELSRs) (MIM.604264), Dishevelled (DVL1 from DVLs) (MIM.601365), etc).
Saburi S, McNeill H. Organising cells into tissues: new roles for cell adhesion molecules in planar cell polarity. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 2005 Oct;17(5):482-8. PMID: 16099635