chromosomal anomalies trisomy 21
malformative syndromes
See also
Home > F. Pathology by regions > Limbs
fifth finger clinodactyly
15 November 2006 -
fetal lower limbs
14 November 2006See also
fetal lower limb anomalies -
tibiofibular agenesis
3 November 2006See also
tibial agenesis
fibular agenesis
Case records
Case record #10087 -
fetal limb anomalies
1 November 2006Types
limb malformations amelia meromelia (partial absence of a limb) absence of hand absence of forearm absence of phalanges absence of metacarpals ectrodactyly: cleft hand, cleft foot (lobster-claw deformities) radial ray anomalies (radial agenesis, thumb agenesis) brachydactyly polydactyly syndactyly foot duplication hand duplication thumb duplication
limb deformations clubfoot clubhand
fetal upper limb anomalies
fetal lower limb (...) -
tibial tumors
31 October 2006Types
tibial osteosarcoma
See also
osseous tumors (bone tumors) -
tibial osteosarcoma
31 October 2006See also
osteosarcomas -
limb deficiency defects
16 October 2006LDD, fetal limb deficiency defect
16 October 2006Amelia is the total absence of a limb.
Etiology (Examples)
deleted ring chromosome 4 (#8933346#) -
upper limb malformations
31 May 2006upper-limb malformations
popliteal cyst
16 May 2006Baker’s cyst; Baker cyst